Dog Shampoo & Dry Shampoo
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Your questions answered (FAQs)
Washing your dog too frequently can remove the natural oils from your dog’s coat and Human shampoos can be dangerous for pups, so stick to canine-safe formulas. For dogs with sensitive skin, pet parents often choose dog shampoos and conditioners with aloe, oatmeal or other hypoallergenic ingredients.
Use shampoo and conditioner to bathe your dog at least once every 2-3 months, increasing the frequency if your pup gets really dirty or stinky. If your furry friend starts to smell, it’s usually a sign that he needs a bath.
Yes there are a number of different dry or foam shampoos for dogs that can freshen up your dog inbetween baths / showers.
We stock a variety of dog shampoos for all requirements, whether you’re after a puppy shampoo, flea & tick shampoo, fox poo remover, or to relieve itchy skin.