
As dog owners, we want nothing but the best for our furry companions. We ensure they receive the right nutrition, regular exercise, and a loving environment. However, despite our best intentions, we often overlook the impact of our everyday actions on our dogs’ well-being, particularly when it comes to their joint health. Unknowingly, we might be subjecting our loyal friends to unnecessary strain and discomfort, which can have long-term consequences. We want our dogs to remain active, right?

In this blog post, we will explore ten common actions that dog owners often engage in, unaware of the strain they can place on their dogs’ joints. By understanding these potential pitfalls and making simple adjustments, we can help our four-legged friends lead happier, healthier lives.

Whether you have a young and energetic pup or a senior dog who has been your loyal companion for years, this information will benefit dogs of all ages and sizes. So, let’s delve into the world of joint health and discover the changes we can make to improve our dogs’ well-being.

1. Too Much Exercise

Really? we hear you say. Well yes this statement is true. Exercise is great for your dog, it’s great for us too. Exercise keeps joints limber and promotes a good range of motion, maintains muscle mass, which in the long term can help prevent injuries, and it helps to maintain cardiovascular health, decrease obesity, and helps to maintain appropriate weight. Daily exercise strengthens the bond between us and our dogs.

However if you suddenly erupt into a rigorous exercise plan it can have an adverse effect, especially if your dog is overweight. Too much exercise and your dog will put extra strain on his/her joints, and that is a real risk for joint injury. Moderation, and your dog’s ability, is key to preventing such injuries. And remember dogs carry around 60% of their weight on their front limbs, which puts stress onto those joints.

Young puppies (especially large breeds) need exercise but not too much as unfortunately it can lead to joint issues in later life.

2. Nutrition

Proper nutrition plays a vital role in maintaining the overall health and well-being of our dogs, including the health of their joints. Just like humans, dogs require a balanced diet that provides them with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to support their bodily functions.

On the other hand, poor nutrition can have detrimental effects on our dogs’ joint health. A diet lacking in essential nutrients can lead to weakened cartilage, compromised joint stability, and slower healing processes. Inadequate protein intake can impair tissue repair and weaken muscles, ligaments, and tendons, leaving the joints more susceptible to strain and injury. Excessive calorie consumption and weight gain, often associated with poor nutrition, can place excessive stress on the joints, exacerbating the risk of conditions like osteoarthritis.

Dog’s need a healthy diet to help maintain health and wellbeing for their whole life not just joint well-being. There are various kibble foods , wet foods, raw etc. which help to provide the perfect diet for your dog. Nodens Super Premium Salmon and Potato is a great example of a nutritious food with ample amounts of Omega Oils for joint and cartilage health. Nodens foods provide lots of important and highly nutritious ingredients for your dog. From blueberries, sweet potato, asparagus, herb blends, fish and meat, Nodens provides it all.

As well as feeding your dog the right food for them you can add fruits and vegetables into their diets that can aid in maintaining joint health.

Fruits and Vegetables for Maintaining Healthy Joints in Dogs:

1. Blueberries: These antioxidant-rich berries contain vitamins C and E, which help combat inflammation and support joint health.

2. Sweet Potatoes: High in beta-carotene, vitamin C, and fiber, sweet potatoes aid in reducing inflammation and supporting healthy joints.

3. Pumpkin: Rich in fiber and beta-carotene, pumpkin provides joint support and aids in digestion, which indirectly contributes to joint health.

4. Broccoli: This cruciferous vegetable is packed with vitamins K and C, as well as calcium, which promote strong bones and support joint health.

5. Spinach: A nutrient-dense leafy green, spinach contains vitamins A, C, and K, as well as iron and antioxidants, which support joint health and overall well-being.

6. Celery: This crunchy vegetable is low in calories and a good source of vitamins A, C, and K. It also contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that can benefit joint health.

7. Oranges: Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, oranges can help strengthen collagen, a key component of healthy joints.

8. Cucumbers: With their high water content, cucumbers can help keep your dog hydrated. They also provide vitamins K and C, as well as silica, which aids in the formation of connective tissues.

9. Carrots: Loaded with beta-carotene and fiber, carrots support joint health, while their crunchy texture promotes dental health.

10. Papaya: This tropical fruit is rich in enzymes and antioxidants, such as papain, which can aid in reducing inflammation and promoting joint health.

Remember, while these fruits and vegetables are generally safe and beneficial for dogs, it’s important to introduce new foods gradually and in moderation. Also, it’s essential to consult with your veterinarian to ensure that your dog’s specific dietary needs and any potential allergies or health conditions are taken into consideration before introducing new foods into their diet.



3. Developmental Joint Conditions

Now this isn’t something you’re doing, it’s hereditary, but there are things you can ask when buying your dog from a breeder. Developmental joint problems are caused by improper development of the joints while your dog is a puppy. It can be rooted in their genetics, and may result in more serious injuries like hip or elbow dysplasia. These issues are present in your pup from the outset, so you will notice pretty much straight away. Lots of often larger dogs are predisposed to painful joint conditions, and some small dogs too.

Here’s a few of the larger breeds to mention:

  • Newfoundlands are one of the breeds that are prone to cruciate ligament problems
  • Rottweilers are prone to developing knee and ankle joint problems
  • Bernese Mountain Dogs commonly develop elbow dysplasia
  • German Shepherds commonly develop hip and elbow dysplasia

If you decide to buy from a breeder we recommend asking them about any predispositions of joint issues their lineage or breed could have. A reputable breeder will give you this information if you ask, or even without being asked. You are well within your rights to ask for information regarding predispositions of joint issues. Don’t be shy!

4. Age

This is an obvious one. Like us dog’s become older and less mobile and get degenerative joint issues like arthritis. Pain occurs when the tissues degenerate over time with continuous use until the issues become more severe. The actual root cause of degenerative joint issues can vary widely from stress fractures to injuries or osteoarthritis.

Dorwest Jointwell Tablets and Dorwest Movewellia are brilliant natural supplements that have primary active compounds which support anti inflammatory pathways in the body.


5. Lack of exercise

Exercise is important and insufficient physical activity can result in weak muscles and poor joint support. Regular exercise helps keep your dog’s joints mobile and strengthens the surrounding muscles. Small bouts of exercise is essential and much more bearable than long, tiresome walks. It’s all about moderation!

If your dog suffers from a lack of exercise behavioural problems will become an issue. They can get bored and start to destroy your home. So by using enrichment toys to help keep your dog happy, healthy and exercised within the home will not only stop bad behaviour, they will help to prevent poor joints and weak muscles.

Most popular Toys to play with to encourage exercise and enrichment

6. Rough play

Playtime is important for exercise and bonding, but rough play involving wrestling, jumping, or intense tugging can potentially harm your dog’s joints. You simply need to encourage gentle play and avoid activities that involve excessive twisting or jarring movements which will inevitably cause strain on muscles and joints as well as the hips, shoulders, and knees.

Dogs may inadvertently twist, turn, or land awkwardly during play, which can result in joint sprains, strains, or even more severe injuries like ligament tears. Prolonged and repetitive rough play sessions without proper rest periods can also contribute to wear and tear on the joints over time, potentially leading to long-term joint issues like osteoarthritis. While playtime is important for bonding and exercise, it’s crucial to ensure that the intensity and duration of play are appropriate for your dog’s size, breed, age, and overall physical condition to avoid unnecessary strain on their joints.

7. Inadequate rest

This is an important point. Dogs, especially active ones, require proper rest and recovery periods. Overworking your dog without providing enough rest time can lead to joint fatigue and increased strain. So just like us humans, rest is key to living your best life. Having a comfortable bed to rest in and support joints is a must!

8. Incorrect leash handling

Incorrect leash handling can inadvertently lead to strain on your dog’s joints. When the leash is constantly pulled taut or held tightly, it creates constant tension in your dog’s neck and spine, potentially causing discomfort and stress on their joints. Pulling or jerking the leash abruptly can lead to sudden movements that put additional strain on the neck, shoulders, and back.

Additionally, using a collar instead of a harness can increase the strain on your dog’s neck, particularly if they have a tendency to pull. This can lead to neck muscle strain and potential damage to the delicate structures of the cervical spine. Proper leash handling involves using a harness that distributes the force across the chest and back, allowing for more even weight distribution and reducing strain on the joints. It’s important to use gentle, controlled movements when handling the leash, allowing your dog to walk with a relaxed and natural gait, thereby minimising the risk of joint strain and promoting a more comfortable walking experience.

We suggest to bring your dog into your local Pet Store for a harness fitting as it can be a minefield and it would be best to speak to an expert.

9. Neglecting regular check-ups

Regular veterinary check-ups are important for detecting any early signs of joint problems or arthritis. So if you suspect a joint issue or arthritis intervention can help manage and slow down the progression. Always seek your vet’s advice, ask questions, listen and understand the medications needed to improve your dog’s life, health and well-being.

10. Ignoring joint health supplements

Do this at your peril! It’s very common these days for us to take supplements, and so can your dog. Joint health supplements are specifically formulated to provide essential nutrients, such as glucosamine & chondroitin, omega-3 fatty acids, that support joint function, reduce inflammation, and promote cartilage and tissue health.

By neglecting joint health supplements, you deny your dog the potential benefits of these targeted nutrients, which could lead to worsening joint problems, decreased mobility, and reduced quality of life. Joint issues, if left unmanaged, may progress and result in chronic pain and limited mobility, hindering your dog’s ability to enjoy daily activities and diminishing their overall happiness.

Incorporating joint health supplements into your dog’s routine, under the guidance of a veterinarian, can provide much-needed support for their joints, ensuring they maintain mobility, flexibility, and a higher level of comfort throughout their lives.


Joint problems are sadly common but we can help to prevent, help to improve and help our dogs to live a happy, fulfilling and pain free life.