Most of our Wexford customers will know the Dec’s Pets dog grooming team very well by now. However, for the benefit of those of you who are further afield, we wanted to make a virtual introduction.
Family is everything…
As a family run business, it made sense to firstly introduce Aoife, who is the Head Groomer at Dec’s Pets. She is Dec & Anna’s youngest child (and only daughter). Luckily for them, she is also pet mad, leading her to follow in the family footsteps and turn her passion for pets into her dream job!
About Aoife
Aoife heads up the grooming studio, which comprises of a team of 3. Those of you who have met Aoife in store will know her for her professionalism, caring nature and love of dogs.
Here’s what she had to say…
Why Grooming?
“I went into grooming because, I’ve always had an interest in animals, [jokes] but I wasn’t smart enough to be a vet. I’ve always loved dogs, and after having watched loads of YouTube videos on dog grooming I knew instantly that, I wanted to pursue a career in Dog grooming.[Laughs] It also helped that my dad works in the pet industry.“
What is your favourite dog breed?
“I have to say Jack Russell because of Ellie and I’d feel bad if I didn’t.” (Ellie is Aoife’s pocket sized best pal who rarely leaves her side when outside the grooming studio)
What is your favourite breed to groom?
Without hesitation, “Schnauzers… miniature Schnauzers. When I first started grooming it was the one breed I didn’t know too much about. I went away and did loads of research on the breed and now it’s by far my favourite to groom. I think because I was self taught in this breed, it makes me enjoy working with them more. OBSESSED. 100% would love to own a Schnauzer“
How long have you been grooming?
“I’ve been grooming for… I’ve been fully qualified for 4 years in December.”
Do you ever groom any animals other than dogs?
“I sometimes groom cats, I’ve actually groomed quite a few guinea pigs and rabbits too. This isn’t a service we frequently talk about, but are more than happy to accommodate customers on request”
If you weren’t a groomer, what would you do?
“I’d probably still be in the animal industry. I like the atmosphere of the pet shop, so would probably work in there. Although… my dream job was to be a zoologist [jokes] but I’ll accept grooming for now.”
Is there an area of grooming which interests you the most?
“I find show grooming very interesting, even though its not something which I have ever done. I’d love to do this down the line.
When asked why?
[Laughing] “obviously for the lime light. No, I’m only joking, its much more creative than your everyday grooming and looks so much fun.”