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Dorwest Elderberry & Nettle Extract – 100ml

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Additional Information:

What causes pigmentation loss?

A loss of pigmentation may occur on the nose, eyes and mouth during the winter months (‘winter nose’), following illness or in old age, and also in bitches following a season or pregnancy. It is often of particular concern in show dogs and affects some breeds more than others, being particularly noticeable in white breeds with black noses. The fading is generally considered to be caused by a deficiency of minerals, particularly iodine and iron. There are no certain ways to overcome pigmentation loss but generally speaking if there has been good pigmentation in the past, then it usually can be restored using specialised supplements.

How does Elderberry & Nettle Extract help and how should I use it?

Elderberry & Nettle Extract is specifically formulated to assist with pigmentation loss, as it has high natural levels of both iodine and iron. You can add it to your pet’s feed daily and it can be given at any time of year, with any feeding regime, without affecting the dietary balance. Although using our Elderberry and Nettle Extract provides one of the fastest routes to regaining pigmentation, it will still take around six weeks of daily use to see an improvement as part of the skin`s renewal process. Many pet owners then use Kelp Seaweed Powder or Tablets to maintain pigment.


How long does it take to work?

The highly concentrated full strength liquid extract used in this supplement can be added to the existing diet and given for as long as it is needed. It takes around 6 weeks for an improvement to be seen as part of the skin renewal process.

Ingredients: 25% Elderberry extract, 75% Nettle extract, both conforming to British Herbal Pharmacopoeia standards

Administration: Small dogs & cats 1/4 tsp, Medium dopgs 1/2 tsp, Large dogs 1tsp, Giant breeds 1.5 tsp. given daily

Can be used during pregnancy?: Yes

Can be used during lactation?: Yes

Interactions: Can be given in conjunction with any medication.

Product Finishing: Liquid (Non-extracted)

Always read the label


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" data-description="

Combat pigment loss naturally with this highly concentrated liquid rich in iodine and iron

Have you noticed your pet`s nose starting to turn pink? This is often the most obvious site of pigment loss. Our Elderberry & Nettle Extract supplement uses highly concentrated, full strength liquid extracts which are naturally rich in iodine and iron, both known to help combat pigment loss. Add to your pet`s food for as long as required.
  • 125ml bottle
" data-product-sku="">
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